Tuesday, March 02, 2010


only 18 more days until my most favorite season officially starts. I'm counting down. These little guys popped up weekend before last when we has some 60ish degree days. I have no idea what they are, and they've never bloomed here before, but I'm very thankful for the birdie that planted them for me. They make me feel so happy when I walk out of my front door. A tiny peek of spring. My daffodils are still green shoots, but I'm waiting patiently for them to bloom. And! My peonies are beautiful right now! I love them.

Spring feels so different for me this year. The baby is the big reason of course, but how appropriate that I end my favorite season with the best example of new growth? I'm starting to have bits of being frantic about her upcoming arrival. I think mostly because I have more to plan around this time. Macie has never spent a night away from me, and while I know that she'll do fine, the thought of being away from her over night makes me a little panicy. Also, this time, knowing that we're having a girl is putting more pressure on me for a name for some reason. She'll have a name eventually.

I'm going to try and keep up better with my blog.....I know I've said that a million times, but the season is changing, and my mood is picking up, so maybe I'll have some better inspiration. Those (2) of you who read here, try and hold me accountable!!

1 comment:

Tawna said...

I just want to say that I try to hold you accountable and you ignore me. LOL!! Seriously woman. Blog. Every day. Thank me later.