Saturday, August 10, 2013

just be here...

Day "why" is simple.  I just want to be here.  To be a part of my kids lives, not just a static presence in the house, that only engages to discipline (much of which could be prevented if I were present).  The challenge asked us to write out our "why" and place it by the computer.....mine is only those three words on a sticky note.  "Just Be Here!" A pointed reminder that I don't need to spend every waking moment in front of the computer.  Now to figure out a way to do that as my lock screen on my phone! 

Sarah Mae also challenged us to engage with our spouse.  This one was easy for me.  Bobby and I put a high priority on time with each other....whether it be the 30 or so minutes between the girls' bedtime and us crashing hard for the night, or trying to squeeze in date nights.  Last night worked well since the girls are with my parents for the weekend.  We went to dinner and ran a couple of errands....we did have Virgil along as our third wheel, but he's a pretty quiet companion.  We had some good talks, and some good laughs!  So far, so good!

Today, we set up internet controls.....I have LeechBlock installed on my browser (firefox) and it works well (when I turn it on....yikes), but I may try Self Control (recommended in the eBook...for Mac only), since it seems a little more strict.  We'll see!  I'll also be turning the wifi off on my phone for now....unless it's during my designated "online times".  I have high hopes for new habits!

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